
Welcome to Total Quality Indicators CTE Program Improvement Instrument

The West-MEC Total Quality Indicators tool focuses on continuous program improvement. The instrument includes six standards designed to validate a comprehensive career and technical education (CTE) program. The standards are embedded in a rubric aligned with the CTE Delivery Model, ADE program requirements and relevant legislation. Upon a self or third party review, any CTE program may use this instrument to determine how the program has made progress in its development. The measurement tool and review process are designed to help focus program improvement.

The West-MEC Program Improvement process is—as the name suggests—to be used for continuous program improvement. Each of the quality indicators is defined by finer, more measurable criteria to determine a current score. The rubric below must be completed for each program by high school.

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6 questions

1.0 Program Compliance

1.1. All CTE Program Instructors Are Properly Certified For The Program By May 1st Per CTE Certification Requirements

Evidence: Teacher Certification

1.2. Program Approved By ADE Or A Locally Approved Program

Evidence: Approved CTE Program List and ADE Local Occupational List

1.3. Program allows for opportunity to participate in CTSO

Evidence: Chapter Award or Program of Work

1.4. Systemic effort to promote program completers

Evidence: Marketing Materials or Course Guide

1.5. Coherent Sequence Of Courses Is Available By Campus

Evidence: Coherent Sequence or Campus Schedule

1.6. Placement Data - Performance Measure 5S1

Evidence: Placement Data or Performance Measure 5S1 report

If you don't have placement data for your program, please contact your local CTE Administrator.

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2.0 Facilities, Equipment and Materials

2.1. Classroom and lab facilities are neat, clean and adequate for the delivery of curriculum

  • Falls Below:
    Facilities are disorganized, dirty and/or inadequate in size/layout
  • Approaches:
    Facilities are neat, clean, organized and adequate in size/layout
  • Meets:
    Facilities are neat, clean, organized and aligned with industry standards

Evidence: Observation & Interview

2.2. Facilities meet all applicable safety standards

  • Falls Below:
    Unsafe conditions or practices are evident
  • Approaches:
    Facilities meet standard safety requirements
  • Meets:
    Facilities meet standard safety requirements, and safety practices are routine

Evidence: Observation and Interview

2.3. Adequate materials are available for authentic learning/lab instruction

  • Falls Below:
    Materials are inadequate to provide for hands-on instruction for all students
  • Approaches:
    Materials are adequate for hands-on instruction for all students
  • Meets:
    Materials enable instructor to duplicate industry practices

Evidence: Observation & Interview

2.4. Equipment Is Aligned With Industry Standards

Evidence: Industry Standards Inventory List or Advisory Council Recommendations

  • Falls Below:
    Less than 50% of program equipment is recommended by ADE. Program equipment does not mirror that used in business and industry
  • Approaches:
    ADE and/or advisory council recommended equipment is adequate to meet the standard and in good working condition
  • Meets:
    The program equipment mirrors that used in business and industry and is in good working condition

Evidence: ADE Recommended Equipment List or Advisory Council Recommendations

2.5. Additional Notes for standard 2.0

Please note

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3.0 Curriculum and Instruction

Work-based learning is defined as a coherent sequence of job training and work experience that involves actual work experience and connects classroom learning to work activities. Experiences include activities at the career awareness, career exploration and career preparation levels. Career awareness activities would include field trips, career fairs, classroom speakers and interviews with professionals. Career exploration activities would include mock business/industry projects and school-based enterprises. Career preparation activities would include clinical/practice, apprenticeships, internships and cooperative work experiences.

3.1. Instruction Is Aligned With CTE Technical Standards, And The Use Of Assessments Drive Instruction

Evidence: Scope and Sequence, Unit Plans, and/or Curricular Map plus Test Data (District, State, and/or Industry Certification)

  • Falls Below:
    No evidence instruction is aligned with AZ Technical Standards
  • Approaches:
    Instruction is aligned with AZ Technical Standards and to some degree assessments are utilized
  • Meets:
    Instruction is aligned with AZ Technical Standards and the use of data from assessments drive instruction

Evidence: Curricular Map, Lesson Plan or Student Work

3.2. Academic Integration And Professional Skills Standards

Evidence: Curricular Map, Scope and Sequence, and/or Unit Plans

  • Falls Below:
    No evidence of AzCCRS is embedded
  • Approaches:
    The instruction of AzCCRS is evident in the documentation
  • Meets:
    The instruction of AzCCRS is evident in the curriculum map, scope and sequence, and/or unit plans. Program teachers can articulate the embedded core standards and how they are taught in the program

Evidence: Curricular Map, Lesson Plans or Student Work

3.3. Opportunity for Student Engagement

  • Falls Below:
    Few student activities allow for high student engagement; activities are primarily teacher led or routine seat work (worksheets)
  • Approaches:
    Some student activities allow for high student engagement (e.g., student authenticated work, cooperative collaboration, laboratory activities)
  • Meets:
    Most student activities allow for high student engagement (e.g., student authenticated work, cooperative collaboration, laboratory activities, graphic organizers)

Evidence: Observation & Interview

3.4. Hands-on, performance-based learning experiences for students

Evidence: Curricular Map, Unit Plans, Student Work, Lab Schedule

  • Falls Below:
    No performance based experiences are evident
  • Approaches:
    Performance based experiences are evident in the majority of units in all courses
  • Meets:
    Performance based experiences are evident in all units of instruction for all courses

Evidence: Curricular Map, Lesson Plan or Student Work

3.5. Student Post-secondary Opportunities

Evidence: Industry and Education Involvement, Student Portfolios, and Dual Enrollment

  • Falls Below:
    No alignment with post-secondary education is evident
  • Approaches:
    Minimal exposure provided to post-secondary opportunities with industry and educational involvement
  • Meets:
    Providing purposeful connections to post-secondary opportunities with industry and educational involvement throughout the year

Evidence: Programs of Study, Dual Enrollment, or Lesson Plans highlighting post-secondary options

3.6. Opportunity for Work-based Learning

Evidence: WBL Model with training agreements and student logs

  • Falls Below:
    No WBL; or career awareness/career exploration activities only
  • Approaches:
    Meaningful career awareness & career exploration activities. A systemic attempt to provide career preparation experiences
  • Meets:
    Career preparation WBL activities: supervised internships, internal/external opportunities (School-Based Enterprise), job shadowing plus tracking and regular use of data to improve program

Evidence: WBL Model or Student Work

3.7. CTSO is co-curricular

Evidence: Lesson Plans, Unit Plans, Student Interview

  • Falls Below:
    No curricular evidence of CTSO experiences exists
  • Approaches:
    The CTSO is integrated to some degree in all program levels
  • Meets:
    The CTSO is highly integrated into units of instruction at all program levels

Evidence: Lesson Plan, Student Interview or Scope of Sequence

3.8. Safety procedures are integrated throughout curriculum

Evidence: Safety Procedures – Safety Lesson Plans, Safety Test, PPE Requirements

  • Falls Below:
    No curricular or instructional evidence exists
  • Approaches:
    Safety procedures are integrated into some units of instruction
  • Meets:
    Safety procedures are integrated into units of instruction

Evidence: Safety Procedures

3.9. Industry Certificate And/or Licensure

Evidence: Certificates/Licenses preparation embedded in Curriculum Map and/or Unit Plan plus a list of students who have taken industry exam and number of certs awarded

  • Falls Below:
    The program does not clearly identify industry related licensures/certificates or does not actively prepare students for the licensure process
  • Approaches:
    The program includes industry related certification in program materials
  • Meets:
    The program actively prepares students for licensure exams and a spreadsheet of students who have taken and earned an industry related certification as outlined on the approved ADE certification list
  • N/A:
    No industry certification is available. This program qualifies based on skills per ADE.

Evidence: Certificates/licenses or Program Materials

3.10. ADE Technical Assessment - Performance Measure 2S1

Evidence: ADE Assessment Report or Performance Measure Data for Program

3.11. Additional notes for standard 3.0

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4.0 Stakeholders

4.1. Advisory Council

Evidence: Advisory Meeting Agenda with Meeting Minutes

  • Falls Below:
    No advisory council
  • Approaches:
    Program specific advisory council meets once a year and can document regular communication throughout the year
  • Meets:
    Program specific advisory council meets more than once a year, and members contribute to the program (guest speakers, judges, phone contacts, Internship/Externship Site, Dual Enrollment Coordinators, Mentors)

Evidence: Advisory Meeting Agendas or Advisory Minutes

4.2. Advisory council recommendations implemented

Evidence: Sign in Sheet, Meeting Minutes, and/or Perkins Annual program Evaluation Timeline with Recommendations

  • Falls Below:
    No evidence of advisory council member involvement
  • Approaches:
    Evidence of regular involvement and implementation of recommendations
  • Meets:
    Evidence of incorporation of advisory council members in all aspects of the program including CTSO, instruction and work-based learning. Recommendations are considered

Evidence: Meeting Minutes

4.3. Additional notes for standard 4.0.

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5.0 CTE Professional Growth

5.1. Industry Externship

Evidence: Recent Industry experience reflection either written or interview

  • Falls Below:
    No participation or industry externship was completed more than 5 years ago
  • Approaches:
    Teacher completes an industry externship at least once every 5 years
  • Meets:
    Teacher completes an industry externship at least once every 5 years and incorporates new knowledge and skills by providing a reflection on what they learned and how implemented new knowledge into the program

Evidence: Recent industry experience

5.2. Professional Growth

Evidence: Recertification Hours or PD plan

  • Falls Below:
    No documented plan for professional growth
  • Approaches:
    Plan in place with little evidence of self assessment, execution and reflection
  • Meets:
    Self assessment, execution, reflection and demonstrable progress are clearly evident

Evidence: Recertification Hours or PD Plan

5.3. Additional notes for standard

Finish, 6 questions

6.0 CTSO

6.1. Program of Work includes activities in student development, chapter development and community development

Evidence: Program of Work

  • Falls Below:
    No Program of Work exists
  • Approaches:
    Program of Work includes at least one activity for each subcategory
  • Meets:
    Program of Work includes at least two activities for each subcategory

Evidence: Program of Work

6.2. Program of Work includes chapter activities

Evidence: Program of Work

  • Falls Below:
    Few students participate on a regular basis
  • Approaches:
    Some students participate in at least one chapter activity
  • Meets:
    Many students participate in two or more chapter activities

Evidence: Program of Work

6.3. Program of Work includes ABOVE chapter level activities

Evidence: Program of Work

  • Falls Below:
    Few chapter members participate in leadership or competitive events above the chapter level
  • Approaches:
    Some chapter members participate in leadership or competitive events above the chapter level including district and/or regionals
  • Meets:
    Many chapter members participate in official leadership and/or competitive events including state and/or nationals

Evidence: Program of Work

6.4. Officer Training

Evidence: Officer Training Agenda, Sign-in Sheet, Registration Form, or Completion Certificate

  • No:
    No officer training or leadership development is held
  • Yes:
    An annual officer training program is held that addresses advanced skills related to the effective management of a chapter, officer duties and Program of Work

Evidence: Officer Training Agenda, Sign-in Sheet, Registration Form, or Completion Certificate

6.5. Awards/Recognition Function

Evidence: Agenda/Program

  • Falls Below:
    No annual award/recognition function is held
  • Approaches:
    Chapter conducts an annual award recognition program for students and stakeholders
  • Meets:
    Chapter conducts an annual award recognition outside of the school day for all stakeholders, students and parents

Evidence: Agenda/Program

6.6. Additional notes for standard 6.0