The West-MEC Total Quality Indicators tool focuses on continuous program improvement. The instrument includes six standards designed to validate a comprehensive career and technical education (CTE) program. The standards are embedded in a rubric aligned with the CTE Delivery Model, ADE program requirements and relevant legislation. Upon a self or third party review, any CTE program may use this instrument to determine how the program has made progress in its development. The measurement tool and review process are designed to help focus program improvement.
The West-MEC Program Improvement process is—as the name suggests—to be used for continuous program improvement. Each of the quality indicators is defined by finer, more measurable criteria to determine a current score. The rubric below must be completed for each program by high school.
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Evidence: Teacher Certification
Evidence: Approved CTE Program List and ADE Local Occupational List
Evidence: Chapter Award or Program of Work
Evidence: Marketing Materials or Course Guide
Evidence: Coherent Sequence or Campus Schedule
Evidence: Placement Data or Performance Measure 5S1 report
If you don't have placement data for your program, please contact your local CTE Administrator.
Evidence: Observation & Interview
Evidence: Observation and Interview
Evidence: Industry Standards Inventory List or Advisory Council Recommendations
Evidence: ADE Recommended Equipment List or Advisory Council Recommendations
Please note
Work-based learning is defined as a coherent sequence of job training and work experience that involves actual work experience and connects classroom learning to work activities. Experiences include activities at the career awareness, career exploration and career preparation levels. Career awareness activities would include field trips, career fairs, classroom speakers and interviews with professionals. Career exploration activities would include mock business/industry projects and school-based enterprises. Career preparation activities would include clinical/practice, apprenticeships, internships and cooperative work experiences.
Evidence: Scope and Sequence, Unit Plans, and/or Curricular Map plus Test Data (District, State, and/or Industry Certification)
Evidence: Curricular Map, Lesson Plan or Student Work
Evidence: Curricular Map, Scope and Sequence, and/or Unit Plans
Evidence: Curricular Map, Lesson Plans or Student Work
Evidence: Curricular Map, Unit Plans, Student Work, Lab Schedule
Evidence: Industry and Education Involvement, Student Portfolios, and Dual Enrollment
Evidence: Programs of Study, Dual Enrollment, or Lesson Plans highlighting post-secondary options
Evidence: WBL Model with training agreements and student logs
Evidence: WBL Model or Student Work
Evidence: Lesson Plans, Unit Plans, Student Interview
Evidence: Lesson Plan, Student Interview or Scope of Sequence
Evidence: Safety Procedures – Safety Lesson Plans, Safety Test, PPE Requirements
Evidence: Safety Procedures
Evidence: Certificates/Licenses preparation embedded in Curriculum Map and/or Unit Plan plus a list of students who have taken industry exam and number of certs awarded
Evidence: Certificates/licenses or Program Materials
Evidence: ADE Assessment Report or Performance Measure Data for Program
Evidence: Advisory Meeting Agenda with Meeting Minutes
Evidence: Advisory Meeting Agendas or Advisory Minutes
Evidence: Sign in Sheet, Meeting Minutes, and/or Perkins Annual program Evaluation Timeline with Recommendations
Evidence: Meeting Minutes
Evidence: Recent Industry experience reflection either written or interview
Evidence: Recent industry experience
Evidence: Recertification Hours or PD plan
Evidence: Recertification Hours or PD Plan
Evidence: Program of Work
Evidence: Officer Training Agenda, Sign-in Sheet, Registration Form, or Completion Certificate
Evidence: Agenda/Program